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Your Nutrition and Your Teeth

Did you know that your diet may be causing cavities? Not just your eating of sugary drinks and candy, but your total nutrition. After all, we are what we eat, and eating a healthy diet affects your teeth and gums as well as your whole body. As your holistic dentist in Ontario, we want you to be aware of how a better diet may help your mouth.

More Than Brushing and Flossing

We all know that brushing and flossing are the essential ingredients for a great smile. However, more can be done to increase your mouth health. Eating a balanced diet from nutrient-rich foods will protect your teeth and gums.

What Are the Best Foods For Your Oral Health?

Some of the best foods for the health of your mouth include the following:

  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus
  • Vitamin C

Foods that are rich in calcium are your best bet. Enjoy yogurt and cheese, fat-free milk, low-fat milk and soy milk that is fortified. These foods promote strong bones as well as stronger teeth.

Calcium is also found in tofu, canned salmon, almonds and some of the darker leafy green veggies.

Phosphorus is a mineral that is found in lean meat, dairy, eggs, nuts and beans. It is of great value in your diet for stronger teeth.

Vitamin C is necessary for the health of your gums; enjoy such foods as tomatoes, citrus fruits, broccoli, peppers, spinach and potatoes.

To Snack or Not

You can still snack, but not on hard candy and sugary treats. Raw vegetables, fruits, popcorn and plain yogurt make good choices; they also are good for your total nutrition. After snacking, rinse your mouth if you can’t brush your teeth.

The following are some snacks that won’t be harmful to your teeth:

  • Fruits and raw vegetables
  • Plain milk and buttermilk
  • Cottage cheese and plain yogurt
  • Melba toast
  • Nuts and seeds, such as pumpkin and sunflower
  • Salads
  • Devilled eggs or hard boiled

Water, Water, Everywhere

Drinking water with fluoride has been shown to help in the prevention of tooth decay. Drinking more water, instead of sugary drinks can help prevent decay. Water helps increase the saliva inside mouth; it may wash away food particles that cause decay. Water also helps you stay hydrated, an important consideration when it comes to your health.

Keep cold water in the refrigerator and carry a water bottle that is reusable when out or at the gym.

Keeping your teeth healthy requires good nutrition and visits to our Riverside South dental centre for an exam or teeth cleaning. Contact us to arrange an appointment.